
Sumber gambar:
Berbicara tentang future perfect tense dan future perfect continuous tense, keduanya memiliki sebuah persamaan, yaitu digunakan untuk sebuah situasi atau peristiwa yang diperkirakan akan selesai sebelum tenggat waktu. Lalu, apa perbedaan future perfect tense dan future perfect continuous?
Perbedaan Future Perfect Tense dan Future Perfect Continuous Tense
1. Future Perfect Tense
Future perfect tense umumnya digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang sebuah situasi atau peristiwa yang akan selesai sebelum waktu disebutkan.
Coba perhatikan ilustrasi dan kalimat future perfect tense berikut:
Kata “by” pada kalimat di atas bermakna sebelum.
Rumus Future Perfect Tense
Subject + will have + past participle (verb 3)
Contoh future perfect tense:
- Tommy will have read all his course books by next week.
- Rina will have finished the laundry by this afternoon.
- The next time you see me, I will have had a haircut.
- We’re so late! The play will have started by the time we get there!
Tahukah kamu?
2. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Future perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk memprediksi durasi sebuah aktivitas atau kegiatan.
Lihatlah ilustrasi dan kalimat future perfect continuous tense di bawah ini:
Rumus future perfect continuous tense
Subject + will have been + verb “-ing”
Contoh future perfect continuous tense:
- By the time this is all ready, John will have been cooking all day!
- By the time I arrive home, I will have been driving for six hours.
- By this time next month, I will have been studying English for a year!
- He will have been waiting for two hours by the time she arrives.
- This case will have been going on for over a year before it is settled.
Itulah perbedaan future perfect tense dan future perfect continuous. Jika kalian masih belum paham, sila tulis di kolom komentar ya!
Soal Simple Future Tense