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Do you know that some English words have similar pronunciation like write and right? Do you know the right term for those words? Yes, they are called homophones. Homophones can sometimes make people confuse. Therefore, it is wise to know some examples of homophones.

What are homophones?

Homophones are words that are pronounced the same but they have different meanings and are usually spelt differently as well. They usually occur in groups of two but sometimes they can be three or four in a group. It is important to recognize and identify the most common homophones because the spelling can change the entire meaning of a sentence.

what are homophones

There are some things you need to pay attention to about homophones:

  • The words bear and bare are similar in pronunciation, but are different in spelling as well as in meaning.
  • Sometimes the words may have the same spelling, such as rose, which is the past tense of rise, and rose, which means the flower.
  • The sound of /n/ can be spelled with the letter N or the letter combination KN, like these words: night and knight. Both of those words are pronounced /nʌɪt/.
  • The sound of /ā/ can be spelled A-consonant-E or AY (among other possible spellings), for example daze and days are pronounced /deɪz/.

Some examples of homophones:

examples of homophones

Examples of homophones in sentences:

Note: The bold words are homophones.


  1. I think your left eye is red.
  2. The knight rode his horse at night.
  3. Tomi ate the eight sandwiches in fifteen minutes.
  4. I hear you will not stay in here anymore.
  5. Dad puts on a hat on his son who is making a sand castle under the Sun.
  6. I want to buy two watermelons in the market and some meat too.

Some list of homophones that you need to know:

  • way = weigh
  • hair = hare
  • feat = feet
  • night = knight
  • stairs = stares
  • sun = son
  • fourth = forth
  • mail = male
  • flower = flour
  • eight = ate
  • hear = hare
  • so = sew
  • board = bored
  • dear = deer
  • hole = whole
  • waist = waste
  • one = won
  • I = eye
  • groan = grown
  • write = right
  • be = bee
  • to = too = two
  • see = sea
  • scene = seen
  • cite = side
  • sole = soul
  • made = maid
  • knew = new
  • hour = our
  • know = no
  • pair = pear

Let’s play these homophones for kids games to check your understanding:

balloon pop homophones game

Homophones Game: Balloon Pop

homophones game

Homophones Game: Matching

words search homophones game

Homophones Game: Words Search


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